Premium Finance


Why Should You Use Our Premium Financing?

How many times have you heard your customers say that they see the benefit of an extended warranty or other product, but they have not got the money to pay for it?

This means lost commission to you as the dealer! Our Premium Financing facility allows your customer to spread the costs of our approved products over a 10/12 month period with limited credit checks and no invoice required.



options are available?

  • 10 month loan period.

  • Interest free (7.50% subsidy) or interest bearing at 8.00%.

  • £100 to £1,500 for any of our approved products.



  • 18-80 years old at start of the loan

  • Able to prove their address - soft search plus copy driving licence needed.

  • UK Bank account that can accept direct debit.




  • No deposit required.

  • No invoice required.

  • No credit underwriting - only a soft search to prove address.

  • Simple application and documentation process.

  • Interest free facility available.

  • Allows for back sales opportunity (especially call centre).


Significant Benefits Over Our Competitors Products

  • Wider eligibility criteria

  • On-line claims process, which is simple

  • Underwritten by Acasta European Insurance Company Limited

  • Premium Financing available over 6/10/12 months

  • Repair can be linked to Manufacturer network

  • On-line Policy Registration